Guanacaste Costa Rica Real Estate FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Costa Rica

Q: What Does “Pura Vida” mean?

A: “Pura Vida” means many things but it has a feeling all of its own - Pura Vida is one of those words that has a good feeling even when you don’t know the literal translation. It means “pure life” and in Costa Rica, you will hear pura vida said in many contexts. It’s a greeting, a salutation, a good-bye, it is said in place of “you’re welcome”, as a general way to end a conversation or in many other interactions. More importantly, pura vida has it’s own special meaning for Ticos (Costa Ricans) and it’s more about the way of life and the frame of mind in Costa Rica than anything else. Pura vida is unique Costa Rica; it’s a feeling, and it’s not until you experience Costa Rica culture that you get the full feeling of pura vida and the warmness of this country and its people.

Pura Vida - Wikipedia

Pura Vida - Urban Dictionary

Q: What are the basic demographics of Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is officially known as the Republic of Costa Rica, the total land mass 19,575 sq mi (50,700 sq km). It is bordered on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The capital and largest city is San José. There are seven provinces that make up the country of Costa Rica; Guanacaste, Puntarenas, San Jose, Cartago, Limon, Heredia and Alajuela.

Costa Rica is primarily an agricultural country, although industry is being developed at a moderate pace and a lot of foreign companies are investing. Industries include food processing and the manufacture of textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer, and electronics. Coffee, bananas, sugar, and beef are exported, as well many types of fruits and vegetables and flowers as well to manufacture goods such as medical devices and computer processors. Petroleum, machinery, consumer durables, chemicals, and certain foodstuffs are all imported. Tourism is the second biggest money-earner, after agriculture.

The Government and country is governed under the 1949 constitution. The president, a strong executive, serves a four-year term and may not be immediately re-elected, the President has to wait one full term of four years before running for office again. Having only one legislative chamber, these officials are also elected for four years but can have consecutive terms. There is universal right to vote for all adults, and voting is required but not all do.

Costa Rica Statistics:

  • The official language is Spanish, but English spoken in tourist areas around the country.
  • The Population of Costa Rica is 5.09 Million (up from 4.58 million at last census report)
  • The Median age of Costa Ricans are: total: 29.2 years, male: 28.7 years, female: 29.6 years.
  • The population growth rate or birth rate is 16.4 births per 1,000 people.
  • The death rate is much lower and is 4.38 deaths per 1,000 people.
  • The immigration rate is 0.86 immigrants per 1,000 people and most likely will grow with more North Americans retiring
  • The most populated area of Costa Rica is San Jose the capital with an estimated 1.416 million residents.
  • The life expectancy in Costa Rica is one of the highest in the world with at 77.89 years. For men 75.26 years, for women 80.65 years.
  • The ethnic breakdown of Costa Rica is primarily white at 94%, (including mestizo, which is a Hispanic person with mixed ancestry, especially someone in Latin America of both Native American and European ancestry.) Black populations is 3%, Native American population is 1%, (a member of any of the indigenous peoples of North, South, or Central America). Chinese make up 1%, and the last 1% is classified as other.
  • Freedom of religion is what makes this county appealing as well. The percentages are as follows, Roman Catholic 76.3%, Evangelical 13.7%, Jehovah's Witnesses 1.3%, other Protestant 0.7%, other 4.8%, none 3.2%.

Q: What is Healthcare like in Costa Rica?

A: The Health Care in Costa Rica is a universal health care program, known as CCSS (Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social) for legal residents and citizens that will cover everything from dentistry, hospital & doctor visits, accidents, surgery, maternity care etc.

The healthcare cost for foreign residents is based on monthly income and for legal working citizens it is based on their monthly salary, with the employers paying a larger percentage. As a result, Costa Rica’s population is very healthy and enjoys a life expectancy exceeding that of North Americans. Quality of health care in Costa Rica is comparable if not better to North America, but at rates 50%-70% less in costs, making medical tourism an important growing business and industry in Costa Rica.

Be sure to read my blog post about healthcare in Costa Rica.

Q: What about emergency medical services?

A: There is an emergency clinic in Playas del Coco (on the main road) - Coco Medical Center and there are emergency 911 medical services with an ambulance in Sardinal (about 10 minutes from Hermosa and Playa Del Coco). Please note that 911 service standards may differ from North American expectations and help may take time to arrive. There are also several excellent private doctors in Playas del Coco and several full service hospitals in the area. San Rafael de Arcangel Hospital located in Liberia is an excellent, full-service private hospital option as well as the public Hospital Enrique Baltodano.

Q: Will I need to rent a car when I visit Costa Rica?

A: This depends on which property or hotel you stay. Close to the beaches in Guanacaste, the largest “city” is Playas del Coco. If you stay at a development such as Pacifico, it is not necessary to rent a car. Restaurants, shopping, grocery stores, and the beach are all walking distance (anywhere between 500 meters to several kilometers). Although in Playa Hermosa, Ocotal or Playa Panama, amenities are not always within walking distance. A car is recommended if you are staying in these communities.

Driving in Costa Rica can be fun, exciting, and sometime a little risky. The roads have improved and renting a car is safe and reliable. We recommend Adobe Renta Car as a very reputable provider. There are always hazards in a foreign country and it is advisable to understand the local laws and culture but as long as you know how to drive and can read a map, Costa Rica is great to explore! It’s small enough to cover many different and diverse areas in one day or see more remote and interesting areas overnight, with time to explore.

Another great option if you are choosing to stay local in Playa del Coco or Ocotal is renting a golf cart! The golf carts are street legal and are perfect for getting around town to buy groceries or to visit various bars and restaurants. There are a few golf cart rental options in Coco, I have listed the contact info for two below.

Island Golf Cart Rentals
(506) 6025 8947

Coco Scooter & Golf Cart Rentals
(506) 8706 6718

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

Q: I’ve heard the roads are bad in Costa Rica. Is it safe to drive?

A: The rural roads in Costa Rica are often not paved and can be rough especially in the rainy season (May – November). If you rent a car you should have a 4x4 for the unpaved roads. However, the roads around Playa Hermosa, Coco, Liberia, and the Gulf of Papagayo area are well paved.

Q: How far away is the airport?

A: The Liberia International Airport (LIR) is about 20 minutes drive from Playa Hermosa (15 minutes to Playa Panama, 25 minutes to Playas del Coco & Ocotal). SJO – Juan Santa Maria airport in San Jose is about a 4 – 5 hour drive depending on traffic, construction, weather etc.

Q: What’s is the official Costa Rican currency? Are credit cards accepted and are there ATMs’? What about exchanging money?

A: The Costa Rican Currency is the Colón (named after its discoverer Christopher Columbus). The current exchange rate is about $1 US Dollar = 515 Colónes; however the rates change frequently but typically stays between 500 and 600 Colónes for $1 US Dollar (check the exchange rate: The US Dollar is also widely accepted. Credit cards are accepted as well at restaurants or stores and there are ATMs throughout Costa Rica but generally located only at a bank (which may not be on every corner). We advise you to notify your credit card company of your intent to travel abroad prior to your departure. Paying for goods or services with $100 bills can be problematic as many businesses do not take $100’s. Banks will allow you to change your currency into Colónes. Bring your passport and be prepared to wait in line (in most cases). Traveler’s checks are not recommended or widely accepted.

Q: Is there a sales tax in Costa Rica?

A: There is 13% sales tax on most foods, liquor, hotels, and restaurants. As of July 2019 there is a 13% tax on services like, attorneys, dentists, doctors and realtors, basically any kind of professional that offers a service.

Q: What about tipping?

A: there is 10% gratuity added to your restaurant bill. If you feel service was better than 10%, it is customary to leave additional tip money. Most credit card receipts don’t leave an extra space to add an additional tip on. For services such as transportation, massage therapists, hair stylists, tour operators, tour guides it is customary to tip these service providers anywhere from 10% - 20%.

Q: Is Guanacaste generally safe?

A: In general, yes. Guanacaste is a tourist area, so basic common sense for travelers prevails. Don’t leave personal belongings in your car and always lock the doors. Same as in your house, don’t leave any personal belongings in places people can see it – out of sight, out of mind.

Q: Are the beaches in the area safe for swimming?

A: Yes. Playa Hermosa, Playas del Coco, Playa Ocotal and Playa Panama beaches are located in Bahia Culebra (Snake Bay, named after its shape), which is a protected reef and the surf is very calm. There are no rip-tide currents that are associated with the other beaches to the south. Nevertheless, the ocean should always be respected and even though there are not large waves or rip-tides, it is the Pacific Ocean.

Q: Are there any security tips you can offer?

A: Petty theft in tourist areas can happen. Basic common sense prevails. While in the water (ocean, pool, lake, bay etc), always keep a close eye on your belongings on the beach. Advisable not to carry smart phones, IPads, computers, money, credit cards etc., to the beach if you plan to go in the water. Keep your money on your person or in a safe place, and never leave anything of value in your car. It is also a good idea to keep a copy of your passport with you. Leave your original passport at your home or hotel in a safe place.

Q: Does it rain a lot during the rainy season?

A: The rainy season normally starts in May and ends sometime in November. The rain is more frequent during the later part of September through October. Actually, the Green (rainy) Season is tropical and an average “Green Day” is sunny throughout the morning and early afternoon. Then it gets cloudy and you may have a short shower or downpour. Sometimes, in the late day or evening you could have a thunderstorm followed the next day by sunshine. Playa Hermosa, Coco, Panama and Ocotal receive more sunshine and less rain than anywhere else in Costa Rica.

Q: Are there many restaurants close by?

A: Within a 20 minute drive or less there are at least over a hundred of restaurants of all kinds from the family run “sodas” to dining of “haute cuisine”. There are restaurants to accommodate every kind of taste and pocketbook. See our guide to Restaurants in Playa Hermosa area.

Q: Is the water safe to drink?

A: Yes - Water is potable in all parts of the country. We recommend that you travel with a bottle of water at all time to prevent dehydration.

Q: What should I pack?

A: Costa Rica is very laid back and casual so there generally isn't a need for formal attire. Feel free to go light on luggage as even the nicer restaurants have relaxed standards of dress. Also be sure to pack walking shoes or amphibious hiking shoes to visit some areas you may want to see (or walking on rocky beaches). These areas are forested and feature hot springs, various wildlife, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In the rainy season there may be mud. Bring: sandals, bug spray, sunscreen, hat, light clothes (it always summer here), shorts, t-shirts etc.

Q: What vaccinations do I need?

A: The Centers for Disease Control offers recommendations for certain vaccinations (such as tetanus). There are no health requirements for visiting Costa Rica. Be aware that mosquitos are more prevalent in the rainy season (May – November) but can be common any time of the year – especially at dawn or dusk.

Q: Will my cell phones work in Costa Rica?

A: Yes and No. It depends on your home cell carrier. If your cell phone doesn't work we recommend to rent a phone through your car rental company or buy a cheap cell phone and buy a temporary SIM card (good for 30 days).

Q: What is “exit” or “departure” tax?

A: All travelers leaving Costa Rica on a plane for an international destination need to pay the $35 departure tax. The tax however is added by most airlines and now include in your ticket price when you book your ticket. If not, prior to check-in, just bring your passport to the window and pay. It’s better to use cash, as credit cards are charged as a “cash advance” and you may accrue interest. One person can buy the tax for a whole group as long as they have all passports in hand. Have a pen ready to fill out the form once you pay your tax.

Q: What other types of taxes are there?

A: The assorted taxes below compromise a pretty comprehensive list. Not everybody has to pay all these taxes, it’s depends on your personal / professional situation:

Property Taxes in Costa Rica (in Spanish "Impuesto de Propiedad"): The property tax in Costa Rica is 0.25% of the assessed value. So for example, if a home or condo or even vacant land has a value of 200K the property tax would be $500 per year. The value is established by whatever is the higher of two numbers, the actual registered value already or the sales price when a person purchases it.

Once a new value has been established, it is the responsibility of the owner, by law to reassess the value of their property every 5 years, if not, the local municipality will do it and we know we don’t want the tax man doing it. Values can be lowered but it is a tough fight with lots of documentation and presentations to the local municipality.

Luxury Home Tax or Impuesto de Solidaridad: This tax was enacted by the Costa Rican Congress in November 2008. It went into effect October 1, 2009 and was to end October 1, 2019, but have you ever really known a tax to go away? The Tax Office (Direccion de Tributacion) developed the guidelines for the appraisal of buildings and land. The purpose of the Law is to tax “luxury homes” in Costa Rica so the Costa Rican government can to provide homes to families in extreme poverty. The tax is based on calculating the construction values, as in the finishes, type of windows, type of flooring granite tops verses tile and more as well as electrical and plumbing systems. If the construction value exceeds 117 million colones, or about $245,000 USD depending on currency exchange rates, the home is then classified as a ‘luxury home,’ and must pay the annual tax. After the construction cost is calculated, the value of the land is added, and the tax is finally calculated at a rate of 0.25% to 0.55% of the total estimated value and based on a sliding scale.

Costa Rica Corporation Taxes: Active and Inactive Corporations (not Corporate Income tax - see below). This tax, as I call it, the government calls it a fee, is based on 50% of the annual salary of a judicial administrator. In Costa Rica judicial administrator is a judge’s secretary. An “active” corporation is one that is running a business and is actually making income. The fee for 2024 was 231,100.00 colones or roughly $430.00 USD depending on currency exchange rates. If a corporation is registers as “in-active”, this type of corporation is used to hold assets such as homes and cars, the annual fee was 99,850 colones or roughly $199.00 USD depending on currency exchange rates. The fee for corporations goes up every year as the salary of a judicial administrator is increased. Special Note : This tax was found to be unconstitutional by the Costa Rica Supreme Court, so the Tax was done away with in 2016. Put hold on the legislature is trying to reinstitute it, by redoing it so the wording can pass the courts.

Cultural Tax or Stamps: This tax has been in effect since 1976. The tax is levied on every corporation every year and the funds are used to support the arts and cultural activities. The tax is based upon the amount of the capital stock of your corporation. Capital stock up to 250,0000 colones the tax is 750 colones or $1.50 USD. Capital stock from 250,000 colones to 1,000,000 colones the tax is 3,000 colones or $6.00 USD. The tax goes all the way up to a maximum of capital stock above 2,000,000 colones then the tax is 9,000 colones or $18.00 USD.

Educational Tax: This tax is exactly the same as the Cultural Tax and structured the same way.

Road Usage Tax / Mandatory Insurance (aka “Marchamo”): Want to own a vehicle in Costa Rica; it is just like the rest of the world. This is basically the annual vehicle registration and mandatory insurance that has to be paid every year. Car, motorcycle, ATV, moped, any vehicle that is driven on public roads, even golf carts are required to pay this. You have to get the technical annual inspection first, this cost basically $18.00 USD before you pay the Marchamo. There are a lot of categories under Marchamo. All vehicles in Costa Rica are required to pay this type of road tax and it is charged by INS, Instituto Nacional de Seguros or National Insurance Institute, the local insurance company that is owned by the government. The annual registration is based on the value of vehicle. Each year as the vehicle gets older the tax goes down. Here is a link to the INS web site The Site is in Spanish but has a Google Translate option to help.

Sales Tax in Costa Rica: Presently in Costa Rica the sales tax is 13% and is levied on almost everything. Even the national Food Basket (basic foods for all families) of 235 items is taxed 2%. To make a list would be a completely different topic and a long item to read. The Government of Costa Rica recently enacted (Effective July 1, 2019) a new law replacing the 13% sales tax with VAT (Value Added Tax) this will replace the standard tax and include the services of accountants, lawyers and other professionals. Presently it is required for realtors to charge this tax to sellers based on the commissions earned on the sale of a property and then transfer it to the tax administration on a monthly basis.

Costa Rica Social Security Tax: If living in Costa Rica or not and you have an employee working for you, whether you have a company or not, meaning a house keeper or a landscaper, or a house keeper, legally you are required to pay their Social Security benefits which are 26.17% of gross salary. Now that seems really high but a house keepers, or unskilled laborers legal daily minimum wage is 8,669 colones per day or $17.34 USD . The Social Security payment on top of that would be an additional $4.54 for a total DAILY cost of $21.88 USD. So do not get freaked out by the percentage as wages are low in Costa Rica.

Costa Rican Department of Social Insurance “Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social”: If you plan on retiring to Costa Rica and becoming a full time resident, one of the requirements is to join the CAJA as it is known for in its short form. As universal health care is offered to its citizens and permanent residents. The fee is based on the income you produce whether it is retirement income or from a company you own that is making income and paying you a salary. The rates differ from category to category of retirement. As an example a person that received their residency as a retiree and is receiving a monthly income from a pension of say $5,000 per month. This person would be paying approx. $100 per month for the free universal health care.

Purchasing Property in Costa Rica: When purchasing property in Costa Rica, or real assets such as land, homes, cars, boats and so on, there are transfer taxes and stamps. This fee is 2.86% of the sale price or registered value and is payable by the purchaser on the value of the asset purchased. For the purposes of the transfer tax, "value" means the higher of either the purchase price recorded by the parties or the value registered to the assets being transferred. The percentage can be lower based on the dollar “value” of the asset. I utilized the 2.86% as a higher end percentage, better to expect more and pay less than the other way around.

Capital Gains Tax: As of July 19, 2019 there is a capital gains tax in Costa Rica. While gains made by businesses on the sale of assets may be subject to business income tax, capital gains made by a resident or non-resident individual on the sale of a capital asset, as in second home or an investment property, are now subject to a 15% tax on any gain. With the passage of the Capital gains tax, the Government allows a seller to either choses from the 15% capital gains tax or a one-time tax of 2.25% of the selling price, so long as the property was purchased before January 2019. Sometimes it is better to pay the 15%. There is one exception to this new law, If the home/condo/farm is your primary residence, there is NO tax.

Income Taxes: The income tax rate for individuals in Costa Rica ranges from 10% to 25% whether you are a citizen, resident and even those that make money on line and are living in Costa Rica. Of course there are some forms of deductions that can be taken to lower the tax liability. I recommend consulting with a licensed Costa Rica CPA for more details. The corporate tax rate ranges from 10% to 30%.

Here are example break downs of the income tax rates charged: The amount of income changes every year, but the rate stays the same.

Personal Income Tax Scale:

  • From 0.00 Up To ¢3,496.000 colones ($6,534.00 USD) is exempt from paying income tax.
  • Up to ¢5.220.000 colones ($9,757.00 USD) the tax rate is 10%.
  • Up to ¢8.708.000 colones ($16,276.00 USD) the tax rate is 15%
  • Up to ¢17.451.000 colones ($32,618.00 USD) the tax rate is 20%
  • Any Income above ¢17.451.000 colones ($32,618.00 USD) the tax rate is 25%

Corporate Income Tax Scale: Corporate Income tax rate is based on net income after expenses, however the percentage of tax charged is based on gross income.

  • Gross income up to ¢52.320.000 colones ($97,794.00 USD) the tax rate is 10%
  • Gross income up to ¢105.241.000 colones ($196,712.00 USD) the tax rate is 20%
  • Gross income of More Than ¢105.241.000 colones ($196,712.00 USD) the tax rate is 30%

As you can see the tax structure of Costa Rica is very favorable compared to the US and Canada. Why do you think so many people are re-locating to this tropical paradise? Besides the low tax structure Costa Rica is just a great place to live.

Q: Why live in Guanacaste?

A: Playa Hermosa, the town where I own my home and have lived for over 17 years now, it’s one of beach towns that make up what is known as the Gulfo Papagayo or Parrot Gulf. Playa Ocotal, Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa and Playa Panama are the four major towns with great infrastructure and a growing and thriving ex-pat community. This area of Costa Rica is located on the northwest Pacific coast of the country, in the province of Guanacaste, also known as the Gold Coast. Some call Costa Rica the Switzerland of the Americas and some relate it to Hawaii before it became over populated and too expensive. Guanacaste has many great things to offer, follow me…...

Newly Renovated International Airport: The Liberia International Airport, (LIR is the airport code), located about 25 minutes from Playa Hermosa and within an hour’s drive to many great natural places to visit like the Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Palo Verde Natural Reserve, Tamarindo and Flamingo and other areas. LIR serves many US hubs and carriers (Delta, American, United, Avianca, Frontier, Westjet, Jet Blue, Southwest,Thompson Air, Air Alaska, Coopa Airlines, and Sansa (easily fly to San Jose – SJO for a fraction of the time it takes to drive).

Close to Hospitals and Medical Care: In the heart of Liberia, just 20 miles away, there is a 300 bed public hospital. There is also a state of the art, newly opened private hospital called Centro Medico San Rafael Arcangel. San Rafael de Arcangel Hospital located in Liberia is an excellent, full-service private hospital option.

The weather and the beaches: The Papagayo region and the Northwest coast of Guanacaste has the best weather in the country, with over 320 days of sunshine and the least amount of rain fall anywhere in Costa Rica. The beaches in this area are by far some of the best in the entire country. The beaches in the area are great for swimming without the fear of rip tides and monstrous waves. Snorkeling, scuba, fishing, paddle boarding and kayaking are some of the favorite things to do here in the area.

Growing Ex-Pat Community: The Papagayo area is known as a community of Ticos, Americans, Canadians and Europeans. This makes for the feeling of almost being home but not. Many selected this area to retire to or to invest in, as there are a number of foreigners that live here. Furthermore, the locals Ticos as they call themselves are very warm and welcoming, unlike other Central American countries and still are the majority of the population.

Infrastructure: Due to the growth of the area and development, the region has some of the best roads in the country and getting better all the time. There is 4G cellular service, high speed Internet and Wi-Fi all over the place as well as all of the comforts of home. There are dozens of restaurants and stores of all kinds in the area as well as casinos, movie theaters, four major grocery stores and of course local farmers markets and small fish markets, butchers and almost every service provider you can think of.

Private Schools: Since many North Americans and Europeans are relocating with children to the Papagayo area, and good reason to do so, there are some very good accredited private bi-lingual schools in this area. Here are links to a few that I have heard great things about.

International Christian School. Located in Liberia

Lakeside International School located in Sardinal

Dolphin’s Academy School located in Playa Del Coco

Teocali Academy located Liberia

La Paz Community School. Located in Brasalito closer to Playa Flamingo

So when considering what part of Costa Rica you should visit for vacation or if you have a desire to relocate and invest in Costa Rica, Guanacaste and this area of the Gold Coast should be your first choice to make.

Q: Can I bring my pet to Costa Rica?

A: The short answer is yes. Why would you want to leave one of the family members home if you plan to spend any amount of time in Costa Rica? Even if you plan to come on a long vacation bring them along. I have. It is not as hard are you may think.

There are rules and regulations pertaining to this set by both the Costa Rican Government and the individual airlines. Each airline’s rules are different. Costa Rica is a very dog friendly country and you should not have any issues. Unique animals, like exotic birds or horses and livestock, need special permits and approvals so you should check with a Costa Rican Embassy about the qualifications for bringing them. The link is below as well.

The good thing is there no quarantine times of any kind for domestic pets, dogs and cats. Most of the major airlines allow pets to fly .The smaller ones can ride with you in the cabin, under your seat, if they fit, in an approved travel bag. The larger dogs are checked with the luggage in the cargo hold, in an approved carrier. But don’t worry they pressurize the cargo hold as well when carrying precious cargo as our beloved pets.

Here is what you need to do to bring your pet to Costa Rica:

1) When you book your airline reservations check with the airline about their pet policy. Everyone has different rules. There is a list below with all the airline links for you to use.

2) Bring your dog or cat to your local Vet and tell them you are traveling internationally. They will do a complete health checkup and make sure your pet is up to date on all its shots. Your Vet will fill out a health certificate and send it to the governing body over Vets (Usually the State or Province Board of Veterinary Medicine) in your location for them to be signed off on.

3) When you get the health certificate paperwork back from your Vet, they are good for 10 days, so you need to already have your flight booked.

4) Upon your return flight back t the US and Canada, you will need the same documentation from a Costa Rica Vet. Have no fears we have some great vets here in the area that can handle this for you.

The veterinarians in Costa Rica are great, and the prices are a fraction of what you are accustomed to paying back home. I can recommend a very exceptional vet. He is the only vet where I take my dogs for basic checkups and also for major issues. Best of all my vet, Dr. Delgado speaks perfect English and as I say “has the hands of God attached to him when dealing with animals.” If you should want his contact information just email me

Here are the links to all the airlines that fly into the Liberia International airport that allow your furry four legged family members to come along.

Delta Airlines:

United Airlines:

United Airlines:

American Airlines:

US Airways:

Air Canada:

Jet Blue:,/?St=213,E=000000000...(392843)

Frontier Airlines:

WestJet Airlines:

Air Alaska-


Southwest Airlines:

Here is a link to the Embassy for more information if you are not 100% sure

So if you want to visit Costa Rica, “YES” your pets can come to paradise as well!

Q: Can I Open a Bank Account in Costa Rica?

A: I get asked this all the time. “Can I open a bank account in Costa Rica”? The simple answer is yes! But you need to know the limitations that are involved. It also depends if you are opening a personal account or a corporate account. There are restrictions set by the “SUGEF”, the General Superintendent of Financial Institutions. This is basically the banking regulatory commission of Costa Rica.

More questions? Contact me directly at and I will be happy to help.

Joseph A. Emanuelli

Managing Broker – Tres Amigos Realty Group

Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste Costa Rica, Central America

Office 011-506-2672-4100

Mobile 011-506-8358-6617

Toll Free From US & Canada 877-661-6074


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The price is based on current exchange rates but is only an approximation. Please contact us for a final price