Guanacaste Getting a Bio-Fertilizer Plant


Link to properties in Costa RicaWell here we go again, the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) along with the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock, Environment and Energy, and Economic Planning and Development are working to improve the environment. Well, I hope so.

A common occurrence once any government agency gets involved, and I don’t care what country you may be talking about, there always seems to be a delay or overrun of projected costs. Hopefully sometime by the end of this year, if completed on time and no hold ups, operations will start at the new bio-fertilizer plant in Upala, Guanacaste that will convert leftovers from pineapple production into bio-fertilizers.

One of the good aspects of this new Bio-fertilizer product is that it will be dedicated and used for the cultivation of organic pineapples. Most people do not know that there is a lot of natural by-product in the production of pineapples. If you have been in the Upala area of Guanacaste and for that matter a lot of other areas of Costa Rica, you will be amazed at the size of the plant that produces only one fruit at a time most of the time.

This operation, when completed, will help eliminate and make good use of the more than 220 tons of cut plant stubble- a term used to describe surplus from the pineapple harvest. The byproduct of pineapple production is over 440,000 pounds per 2.5 acres of pineapple farms. Considering that Costa Rica alone is in the top 10 pineapple producers in the world, that’s a lot of by-products and why not uses it to make a bio-fertilizer? It only makes sense!

Want to have your own small-time farm or just a garden to grow your own pineapples? Check out some opportunities to buy a farm or some land near Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica.

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