Help the local community, Please


Tres Amigos helping the local community in Playa HermosaLink to properties in Costa RicaDuring these crazy times of Covid, it is very important to help out the local community. No matter where you live. For me and the all the agents of Tres Amigos Realty it hits home stronger. I am asking you to open your heart help as well.

Some may ask what are you doing to help out? Well, I can honestly say that I have been donating to many different food drives to help feed people of the area every month and will continue to do so. I have also committed to sponsor an entire food drive in December. I am fortunate enough to have sold a property that allows me to give over 10% of my earnings. But it won’t stop there.

Collecting for the community

We have a strong commitment to our lovely area, many Costa Ricans in this area of Playa Hermosa, Playas Del Coco, Sardinal, Playa Ocotal and other nearby towns, are still struggling to make ends meet and are unemployed. Yes, there are some tourist arriving, but with lockdowns happening in many areas of the world, it is going to be a long time before our neighbors and friends are back to “normal” whatever that is now. These warm and dear people have graciously allowed us to call Costa Rica home and it is only fitting that we help out our neighbors and friends.

Please find it in your heart to help out. If you have been to Costa Rica or own a property in this area you know how wonderful the people are, any amount can help!

I want to share a letter my partner of Tres Amigos Realty Group, sent out to all of his friends and clients. Please read it and donate! It is easy see below.
Thanks for your generosity and may you always be safe and well with lots of love in your heart.

Hi Everyone

I hope you are safe and healthy in these crazy times.
Tres Amigos logoNormally this would be the invitation to my annual BIG BASH AT CASA PILA. It would have been unlucky number 13, which fits, since everything about this year has been turned upside down.
I cannot justify celebrating when so many people are struggling. Nothing would be worse than for thousands of unemployed Costa Ricans to see photos of people partying and eating, when they are struggling to live on beans and rice.

I spend on average about $15,000 each year throwing my party and I feel it is the best interest of everyone in our area of Costa Rica for me to spend that money continuing our weekly food drives, as so many people are still going to be needing our help for months to come.

I want to thank everyone who has donated and continues to donate, the generosity has been overwhelming THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. Please continue to donate, no amount is too small. You can PAYPAL or ZELLE at and put FOOD DRIVE in the subject.

Every year we always support the TOYS FOR TOTS organized by the Guanacaste Veterans Association as well as the TOY DRIVE by Patas y Manos and this year we will be collecting them again. I feel it is more needed now than ever, as so many children have suffered drastically due to the economic shut downs. Nothing puts a smile on the face of a child like a toy for Christmas.
Please find it in your heart to buy a toy, or 40, or as many as your pocket book will allow. We will have collection boxes at two of my TRES AMIGOS


Playas del Coco at the PACIFICO retail village.
Playa Hermosa at the original TRES AMIGOS office.

Please do NOT wrap the toys. Just bring it to my office. We are collecting NEW toys for CHILDREN 8 YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER ONLY.
If you cannot physically drop off a toy, you can send me money via PAYPAL or ZELLE to put TOYS FOR TOTS in the subject. I will then personally go shopping on behalf of all of your amazing donations. NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL.

Thanks again for your generosity. I look forward to seeing you all very soon. Please stay safe.
God Bless

I want to personally thank many of my friends and clients that have already donated to help the community. Your care and generosity is tremendously appreciated. THANK YOU!!

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