If I move to Costa Rica can I get Health Insurance?


More and more people from all over the world are moving to Costa Rica. There is an incredible number of reasons for this. One of the top reasons is the great health care offered here, but the question: “can I get insurance”, is always asked.

Logos of insurance companies in Costa Rica

The short answer to that question is a definite YES! Private health insurance is now offered thru many different well-known international carriers as well as the national INS (Instituto Nacional de Seguros), the government-run insurance company. There are also many different brokers offering services and help clients find the right type of coverage for their needs. A good number of the brokerage companies are owned by individuals that are either North Americans, or Ticos that speak great English.

Costa Rica insurance options

The are many types of policies available to a homeowner and you can get riders as well. Car insurance is also available, from liability only to collision to complete comprehensive coverage. Of course, there is individual health insurance as well, with coverage from companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Best Meridian Insurance to name a couple.

Logo of Pan American Insurance in Costa Rica

How about the boat you want to eventually buy or bring with you to Costa Rica? Yessir, your boat can be easily covered as well. Are you getting ready to build a home and need insurance to cover the workers so you can get the building permits? That type is also available from multiple providers.

Friends fishing on a flybridge vessel off the coast of Costa Rica

There are many types available, even plain liability is available to protect your investment, say if you’re renting it out, or if you have a business. Someone asked me the other day, “well what about earthquake or flood insurance“. It is all available.

Flooded home in Costa Rica

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