Playa Hermosa's Blue Flag Ceremony


Link to properties in Costa RicaPlaya Hermosa in Guanacaste is one of the most beautiful beaches on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. I tend to be a bit biased as I have lived in this paradise for 8 years now.

The town has for many years worked hard to keep the beach clean and beautiful and it pays off. If not for the great people of the Playa Hermosa association who dedicate their time, effort and hard work it would never be this way. Playa Hermosa was recognized, by the Costa Rica Blue Flag Ecological Program (Bandera Azul Ecológica) for a 14th straight year and achieving 2 stars this year. Below is a press release from the organization and below that a great blog explaining the Blue Flag program:

Enjoy the reading, enjoy the beach and let’s share a cold drink when you come to my part of paradise. Looking forward to seeing you here!

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