Preparing Your House For Sale In Costa Rica

Real Estate

The market is HOT here in Costa Rica! This is the perfect time to put your house up for sale. Inventory is low in the Playa Hermosa and Playa del Coco area. If you want your home to sell fast, now is the time. Here are some helpful tips when preparing your home for sale.

View of the Pacific from a Costa Rica luxury home

First impressions matter. When a potential buyer is coming to look at a home, the first thing they notice is the landscaping. Great landscaping is critical in Costa Rica. It can transform your property from being an overgrown jungle to a tropical oasis. It pays off to have an assortment of flowers, well kept hedges, and green grass. We are in paradise after all.

One of the most important steps in prepping your home for sale is to declutter! Remove any personal items such as family photos, various knick knacks, toys, and so on. Hide all your pool noodles and floaties. If you have pets, remember to put away their water bowls and beds. You want a buyer to come in and feel like this home is their new personal canvas. 

Backyard of a home in Costa Rica

Next important detail is having a neutral color palette. Your dream may have been to live in a fuchsia colored home but many folks will feel otherwise. Or perhaps you decided to paint a jungle scene mural in the living room. Well, the best way to attract a buyer is to paint over any loud colors and keep it simple. 

Living in the tropics means you often find bugs near or around your home. This is something you get used to but you definitely don’t want a buyer seeing a scorpion! Make sure to fumigate your home often. It will deter all unwanted creepy crawlies from hanging around and scaring off a potential sale. 

Image showing the importance of staging a home for sale

Another key factor is having a crisp and clear bright blue pool. Essentially, you want to give the buyer the urge to jump in and enjoy! There is no bigger deterrent than a cloudy, overgrown, forgotten pool. The more enticing you make your outdoor living space, the higher the probability of a sale. The buyer needs to dream about living there. 

View of the Pacific Ocean across an infinity edge pool in Costa Rica

This may seem like common sense, but basic maintenance of your property is fundamental. There are many folks that own property in Costa Rica yet never do any basic maintenance. They end up buying a property, doing the bare minimum, and then hope to sell it for more than what they bought it for. Simple things such as keeping the gutters clean, power washing the pavers, and sealing around the windows will help your home stand out. As well as keeping the AC’s maintained, changing the lightbulbs, and making minor cosmetic repairs as needed. 

Lastly, the best way to prepare a house for sale is to pay for a home inspection. Before you even list the house, you will know exactly what to expect. There will be no surprises because you will find out about any issues the home may have. You can save a lot of money by doing an inspection ahead of time. When the time comes to close, it will happen seamlessly. 

So what are you waiting for? It is time to prep your house and sell! Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I would be happy to assist you in preparing your home for sale and will gladly do a free estimate of recommended selling price.

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