Private Insurance in Costa Rica

Legal and Financial

OK, you decided to make the move to Costa Rica and started the process, packed everything up, called the shipper and you are excited about your new adventure. But what about personal, private health insurance? Have you thought about that?

Image of the word insurance

If you happen to have insurance form home there is a good chance they will no longer cover you once you relocate out of your home country unless it is an emergency while on vacation and depending on the type of plan you have.

Here in Costa Rica the insurance market opened up after the signing of CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement). There are many options to choose from and many insurance brokers as well offering all types of insurance. I am sure you have heard of BLUE CROSS. Well, Blue Cross Costa Rica is available as well as BMI, better known as Best Meridian Insurance, and there are others.

The cost is surprisingly affordable compared to private plans in the US. One of the main reason for this is that healthcare in Costa Rica is at least one third the cost in the US and Canada and for many things even less expensive.

Costa Rica Blue Cross Insurance logo

I can give you first-hand experience. As being a full-time permanent resident of Costa Rica I have to be part of the socialized medical system; CAJA as it is called for short. I pay a monthly fee of under $60.00 US and I can receive 100% free treatment at any public clinic or public hospital. However, I carry private health insurance as well, for a major occurrence if needed. The reason for this is the closest hospital to me is a private one and if I have a real emergency, say a heart attack, I want to get medical attention ASAP. My annual premiums for two of us is $4,790.00 per year, for 100% coverage at any private hospital or doctor’s office after reaching our deductible of $5,000. That’s less than $400 per month.

BMI Best Meridian Insurance Logo

When I took a spill two years ago and broke my hand I went right to the CIMA private hospital just 7 miles from my home. After ex-rays, MRI, consultation with the doctors and a soft cast, the entire bill was only $1,000. I could not even get to my deductible. Guess I should have gone to the public hospital.

Typical private health insurance ID card

So, when thinking about moving to Costa Rica think about healthcare and private health insurance as it is very affordable here and Costa Rica healthcare is amongst the best in the world. If you would like more information send me an email to and I will introduce you to my insurance broker in the Playa Hermosa area.

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