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When I first came to Costa Rica in 1999, I saw what I now know to be plantains in the fruit and vegetable stand and I thought, “Wow! Those are the biggest bananas I have ever seen!” Even though I had been working as a sous chef in the Midwest of the US, plantains were nowhere to be found. I wasn’t completely wrong, upon returning back home I...
What is a Zona Catastrada you ask? Well, it is a county or district in Costa Rica that has been surveyed by the government to ensure that all properties registered have accurate land boundaries and are properly registered. In a continuing effort to help educate my readers about Costa Rica property purchasing and ownership, I have not been just...
  During times of crisis, like this COVID-19 epidemic the world is facing, it is important to remember to help those in the community that needs it the most. A group of local business owners and ex-pats are helping Playa Hermosa. Here in Playa Hermosa ex-pats who have made Costa Rica their home are helping families that depend on tourism...
Every nation on earth has its version of a hearty stew-like soup. The Italians have their Minestrone, the French the Pot-au-feu, the Russians Borscht. Costa Rica is no exception. Here it is called Olla de Carne (literally pot of beef). But it is much more than just a simple pot of beef! Olla de Carne is a tasty broth chock full of healthy and...
I have been living in Costa Rica for over 12 years now. Full time, not a part-timer. Moving to Costa Rica is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I first came to Costa Rica in 1999, as a tourist, as many people do. Something kept drawing me back like a bad cocaine habit. I could not get enough. When I look back, I can confirm that I was in...
You have been dreaming of the “Pura Vida” Lifestyle. Sunny days, spectacular beached, wild and adventurous mountain treks and don’t forget about the trip to the rainforest. You have been to Costa Rica enough times to know that you want to make the move; you made the decision that moving to Costa Rica is the right thing to do. So, what do you bring...
Hello, my name is Joseph. I've had this blog for a while but I wanted to welcome new visitors to my blog about living in Costa Rica. I’m a 12+ year full permanent resident of Costa Rica (transplanted native New Yorker) and originally came to Costa Rica in 1999 for the first time. I started this blog many years ago because so many people were...
Here is a list of fun stuff to know about Costa Rica: “Pura vida” Your here it everywhere you go in Costa Rica. This is the national saying, a literal translations is “pure life,” It is used for many types of responses to a question or as a greeting, goodbye, or if someone asks how you are doing. “Ticos” for men and “Ticas” for women are terms...
Playa Hermosa in Guanacaste is one of the most beautiful beaches on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. I tend to be a bit biased as I have lived in this paradise for 8 years now. The town has for many years worked hard to keep the beach clean and beautiful and it pays off. If not for the great people of the Playa Hermosa association who dedicate...
A lot of times when I am touring people around the area looking at some great properties and all the conveniences that the area has to offer, I tell this to folks in my car all the time. Just this past week Alfredo and Audrey, a great couple from Maui Hawaii, yes that’s right Hawaii. See they decided to make the move to Costa Rica. Over a year...


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